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Kindness is ALIVE! We’ll show you PROOF of random acts of kindness from all over the world.
Iffie Jennings spent her younger years living in Alexandria, LA, and later years in Denver, Colorado. During those years, spending time with her family and growing in kindness consciousness were near and dear to her heart. Iffie founded The Kindness Network with the goal to foster a better and kinder community. We believe that guiding our network through 3 simple programs will create a kinder, gentler, and more loving world.
Women have a unique position in today’s world as we take on more leadership roles to redefine leadership and embrace feminine leadership’s focus on caring about people.
From the kitchen to the board room, TKN empowers women to spread kindness and compassion every day and make it popular.
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Each piece in the Be Kind Collection serves as a reminder of our guiding principle: true kindness starts with ourselves. Crafted to comfort and inspire, our clothing encourages you to appreciate the present, cherish your connections, and extend grace to yourself and others.
By choosing from this collection, you’re not only selecting a garment—you’re embracing a lifestyle of kindness and compassion. Our carefully designed items are meant to accompany you through the ebbs and flows of daily life, helping you to shine through the complexity with simplicity and elegance.
Become a part of our mission to spread kindness. As you wear pieces from the Be Kind Collection, you help us foster a community that supports and uplifts through all seasons of life.
Thank you for supporting The Kindness Network. Together, we are making the world a kinder, more connected place. Be Kind, Be You, Be Amazing.