Every year, the 13th of November is observed as World Kindness Day. The day is celebrated to help people understand the power of kindness. It was introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, a coalition of nations’ kindness Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Currently, more than 27 countries participate in the World Kindness Movement. World Kindness Day is a global movement dedicated to celebrating kindness in all its forms. Millions of people across the globe are involved in this worldwide kindness movement every year, and I’m happy you’re one of us!
Everyone can use kindness.

We are all connected, and kindness is the glue that keeps us together.
It’s too easy to lose sight of this in our daily lives, but whenever you’re kind to someone else, it also makes you feel good about yourself. Kindness is a gift you give to yourself. It crosses all borders, races, and cultures. Kindness isn’t limited by physical or mental ability either — anyone can be kind!
This World Kindness Day (November 13th), we want to encourage everyone to be kinder than usual — not just on this day, but every day! So let’s spread the love around and make this world better for everyone!
It can be on a small scale to make a difference.
It’s easy to feel like you have to do something huge to be kind, but that’s not true! You can be kind to yourself or other people. You can be kind to yourself and others, and it doesn’t have to cost anything.
The point of World Kindness Day is to remind ourselves that it’s important to remember how much kindness means—and how easy it is to spread out acts of kindness over the year. So even if you don’t have time for a big project today, that’s okay! You can still make sure you’re doing something nice for someone else—or even for yourself!
Kindness has a ripple effect.
You’ve heard it before: being kind isn’t just the right thing to do; it’s good for you. It’s a fact that doing kindness has a ripple effect that goes on and on.

Not only will you be helping someone directly, but their friends, family members, neighbors—and even people you don’t know—will also feel the positive effects of your act of kindness. If you need to increase the good vibes around you, doing something kind for someone else makes you feel better about yourself too!
Kindness is contagious: when we give it away freely, we will find ourselves surrounded by others who are more inclined to do so. So go ahead and be kind today!

World Kindness Day is a great reminder that we should be generous, kind, and considerate to others. No matter who you are, no matter where you live, no matter what your beliefs are, or what your age or race is, you can make a difference every day by showing everyone kindness. And when you do that, they, in turn, will pass on their kindness to someone else the next time, and so on and so forth.
So make World Kindness Day just one day a year that promotes the power of kindness; better yet, try being kinder every day. It’s pretty easy, and it’s a very good feeling inside when you see the smiles on other people’s faces because of something you did for them.
You got this! Let’s show kindness every day!
“World Kindness Day is a great reminder that we should be generous, kind, and considerate to others.”
– Iffie